How EASY is it to run your own small home business?

Very Easy!  There are 2 main things that you do.

Based on peoples’ needs we have Product Solutions and Business Solutions:

1-  Products:  Offer people solutions such as those shown below that are GUARANTEED TO WORK or they get their money back.

2-  Small Business Opportunity:  Offer people who want to save their tax dollars and build another source of income the same that you are doing – start a small home business with a Gold Ambassador or Super Gold package.

When you do these 2 things, your business will grow.  Just keep doing the same 2 things.  That’s it.

And you have the legacy of a 54 year old successful brand behind you plus all the support materials, training, and marketing resources that they create for you.

This page is dedicated to the PRODUCTS BEHIND THE BRAND of your new small business (look at the ‘Small Home Business’ tab at the top for more business opportunity info).

Our products provide ‘real solutions‘ in the form of natural nutrition for some very ‘real challenges‘ that people have in their every day life, and they are the foundation of our brand.  Shaklee products really WORK – to improve, or eliminate, people’s problems – and they are GUARANTEED!

To build your small home business that helps you save tax dollars and build wealth – all you have to do is offer people a way to help solve their problems.  People who are looking for solutions have nothing to lose when they try a product that is guaranteed to work.

Put yourself in the shoes of others.  Or, think about your own life – and realize there are a lot of people out there that have the same challenges that you do.

Are you busy?  Is your life – your daily schedule – sometimes out of control?  Do you need more energy?  Would it help to manage your stress?  Do you have any health challenges that affect you on a daily basis (many people do).  Are you trying to be more ‘green’ to help both our world and our health?

These are immediate concerns that your new business can help you with, and help other people you know or come into contact with.  Plus, your new small business can help you build great health for your future because that’s what the Shaklee brand of products do!

You can offer these solutions and the guarantee extends to anyone who buys.  The products work or you get your money back, 100% satisfaction, money-back guaranteed!


We have the ‘green’ solution with a complete line of cleaning products for every dirty job in your home – and without the chemicals, toxins and fumes found in many cleaning products and are harmful to our health (allergies, asthma, respiratory illnesses and more serious illnesses including cancer).

And we have the natural nutrition solutions.  All of the packages below are GUARANTEED TO WORK WITHIN 30 DAYS although many people get results in their first week.

Plus we are the only nutrition company that has a 20-year landmark food supplement study that has proven if you use this brand of supplements, you can build better health for your future as well as right now.

Stress Relief Package

Vitalizer + Stress Relief Complex

Option:  Extra B-Complex (the ‘happy’ vitamin), Cinch Shakes (soy for overall health & wellness)

Energy Package

Vitalizer + Cinch Shakes (balanced energy)

Optional:  CorEnergy and/or Energy Chews (extra energy)

Nutrition Foundation Package

Vita-Lea (HIGH QUALITY natural multi-vitamin) + Cinch Shakes

Optional:  Vitamin D3 (80% of Americans are low or deficient), extra B-Complex, Calcium

Immune Builder Package

Vitalizer + Nutriferon

Recommended:  Cinch Shakes (soy for overall health & wellness)

Joint Pain Relief Package

Vitalizer + Joint Health Complex + Pain Relief Cream

Optional:  Cinch Shakes, OmegaGuard (essential fatty acids), Vivix (resveratrol)

Rx for a Healthier Life Anti-Aging Nutrition Package

Vitalizer + Cinch Shakes + Nutriferon + Vivix (resveratrol)

Sports Nutrition Package

Vitalizer + Cinch Shakes (for lean muscle) + Performance (hydrating drink)

Optional:  Physique (extra muscle building and recovery) + Nutriferon (immune system builder)

Heart Health Package + Cholesterol Reduction

Vitalizer + Cholesterol Reduction Complex (FDA approved natural supplement for lowering cholesterol) + Vitamin D3

Recommended:  Cinch Shakes (soy for overall health & wellness)

Optional:  Additional Omega-3’s, Vivix (resveratrol)

Natural Pain Relief Package

Vitalizer + Pain Relief Complex + Pain Relief Cream

Optional:  OmegaGuard (essential fatty acids), Vivix (resveratrol)

Children’s Nutrition

Incredivites (HIGH QUALITY natural multi-vitamin) + Might Smart (100% natural, ultra-pure DHA – omega-3s)

Optional:  Infant multi-vitamin powder, Meal Shakes (great tasting nutritious protein shake mix for fast food with no guilt!)


Men’s Health:  Saw Palmetto, Calcium, Vitamin D3, Lecithin, extra Fish Oil

Women’s Health:  Hormone Balance, Calcium, Vitamin D3, Natural Menopause Relief, Lecithin, extra Fish Oil

When you start your home business as a Gold Ambassador or a Super Gold, we will list these packages on your store website to make it easy to point people in the direction of getting solutions and becoming a happy customer who buys month after month from you!

In the course of running your business, and in addition to finding people who are interested in the tax savings and income producing opportunity that you are, you will find people who are interested in the products only.  That’s a good thing because it builds you a nice customer base.. and people do LOVE Shaklee products!

There is a discount membership plan available to all who would like to purchase products (but not start a small business) – they pay $19.95 one time and save 15% on every order, plus other special sales that are announced (no requirements to buy – only savings).

Start a Small Home Business

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